I am ChristopherbrI have been on multiple sites for 2 years now. I just left a site because I could not figure out who was real and who was fake. There were a lot of liars too. Hate lies more than any

Crypteguy: if i winked message me site crashes...
Procurando: Fêmea idade 23 to 36
Status: 55 Divorciado Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Casamento
Etnia: Branco/caucasiano
Vivo: Mora com meus filhos
Apanhador de Olhos: Olhos
Altura: 6'0 polegadas
Corpo: Média
Cabelo/olhos: Castanho, Cor misturada
Fumaça: Fumaça ocasionalmente
Beber: Ocasionalmente
Exercício As vezes
Política: Nenhum
Educação: diploma de bacharel
Religião: Ateu
Renda: Menos de US $15.000
Ocupação: Consultant
Descendência: 1 criança
Personalidade: engraçado
País: Canada

I am ChristopherbrI have been on multiple sites for 2 years now. I just left a site because I could not figure out who was real and who was fake. There were a lot of liars too. Hate lies more than anything its as bad as cheating to me. I had an exwife from 21 years ago that left some scars that changed my personality. Lies disgust me and make me sick. Mean they make me ill if I ever tried too. So, I have been living my life of full transparency. Anything I do wrong or make a mistake about. Own it and talk about it so I can make sure it never happens again. It is weird or I guess I can say that I am weird. I am an enigma a contradiction. Let me explain. I will talk to women like I am a boy scout but I am a true alpha male. I am not shy at all. I never get embarrassed about anything. Make a fool of myself at a party by accident by falling and knocking myself into a cake. That would not bother me. I have never really cared how people see me. Know who I am. Have a pure heart and I am serious about that. Never made a woman sad and will never in the future. Very smart but can forget the easiest things. Leader and will take control of a situation. When I am with a woman and go out people know I am with her. Hence the alpha male. Serious most of the time, but I can be ridiculously silly and act like a kid. Now the especially important stuff.brI was married and divorced 21 years ago. We had two children. Zachary and Mercedez. My ex was a cheater multiple times and like I said a compulsive liar. This is the only time I will talk about my ex. The rest can only be told in person. When I left I took my kids with me and became a single dad of two. Thier mother did not stick around so I decided that I would raise them by myself since there was no mother around and also decided that I would stay alone till it was ok for me to find a new wife. So yes, I have been alone for 21 years. I have not had any negative influences from the adult world for that whole time so I didnt turn into a selfish, arrogant, selfcentered, dishonest, mean like all the other men seem to have turned into. I am the same guy I was back then. I knew I could have found a woman to replace my ex but my kids saw way too much drama and I could not take a chance in any of that happening again. My top priority was to become the best father I could be and make sure they had a great childhood. I spent all of my time around children. Both of my kids were playing competitive sports. Mercedez played AA Womens Hockey. She was on track for team Canada and Zachary played AAA baseball. One child had the winter and the other had the summer and we were out every night of the week at games or practices and then on weekends there were tournaments. We had to travel for hours some nights for games. All the years they played sports I coached all of their teams. So I spent my adult life around children and teenagers. Coaching a girls hockey team taught me a lot especially when they were in their teens. Attitudes and being evil they way women can be when they want to be. Making sure that all of that did not get brought into our team at all. You cant coach girls like you coach boys. Boys you scream and yell to get more out of them but you cant do that to girls. They will just ignore you and not make an effort. I ended up figuring out how to get all the girls to do what I wanted and give their best effort all the time. It was the simplest thing actually. It just came down to trust. We had one girl that was having problems with her parents all the time and you could see how it effected her after they dropped her off. One practise we are on the ice and doing drills and I noticed tears running down her face while she was skating. So I stopped the drill and asked a assistant coach to take over an pulled her aside and had her sit down in the team bench and talked with her I dont know if any man could do what I do. Since my whole life it has been very easy for me to talk to any woman. I talked with her about what was going on at home and she was feeling responsible for everything and her dad was taking out his frustration about his wife on her. His wife was a bitch. No physical stuff or anything but a lot of name calling. We talked for about 20 minutes and I told her how she should feel about herself and the truth about men and how they feel and act. I told her to have a talk with her dad and gave her exactly what to say to him. Word for word I made her memorize it. The next practice I noticed her effort in everything all the drills was way higher then ever and did everything all the drills exactly right. Did all the plays we practice exactly right and when I talked she gave me all of her attention. She acted completely differently towards all of the coaches. I thought about it a long time why she was different now and the perfect teaching student. She didnt make that big a deal about it the next practice for the things I said. She told me she had the talk with her dad and that she made him cry. Since what I said was the goal to make him cry. Now she said everything is fine and she is happy and said thank you. She did give me a hug which caught me off guard and not something you do in front of all the parents. I would have been in big trouble if I hugged her back which I should have done that for her but it would have been bad if I did at that time. But it was just a normal explanation. Not a girl really excited and happy like teens can get. It did not click in till another girl on the team was having a physical altercation with her dad in the parking lot and I ran over and pulled her dad away from her and dropped him. I think I broke his nose. What I said after that and this girls reaction made it all click. The two girls trusted me. That they could count on me and I would protect them. They now saw me as a real father figure. Basically how I have treated my daughter her whole life. Mercedez had a lot of friends that year and our team play did a 180 and we won a lot of championships. I made sure I did something for almost every girl on the team to let her know she could trust me. I will tell you. Teaching girls and coaching them when they trust their coach are like information and skills vacuums. I would much rather coach girls hands down after that. Only down side to having a full team of teenagers look up to you and be a better kid for you then there own parents is a lot of mothers start to hang around you at the arenas more often. It made me so uncomfortable all the time.brWhy did I tell you that story because now when I tell you how I was raised it will make more sense why I am the way I am with women. I came from a broken home. My mom left when I was 7 and my dad. My big scary dad that coached all my sports teams was very hard on me. I was a small kid. He was 64" and yelled a lot. You get the picture of what he was like with me. The only time she was not like that was around my step mom and my siter and every other woman I have ever seen around him. He had another side to him which was clear as day. He always treated women much better than men. I asked him about it and for the first time he talked normal to me to explain his 3 laws of women. After he explained what they were and why he believed that is how it should be. It made me happy that I learned my dad actually had a real heart. But the next day he started drilling those laws into my head and said that if he ever found out I broke any of these laws that he would kick my all over the city. Every night before bedtime he made me repeat the 3 laws for women to him before I could go to sleep. Every night for 10 years.br1. Respect all Womenbr2. Protect all Womenbr3. Adore all women alwaysbrThose laws became the core of me and how I see all women. My women gets a overload of it and I know from the past it can be a bit much. Not all women can deal with being loved and treated that way so much.brMaybe because of men in her past and how they grew up. I become not real. For some reason it makes them not want to trust me I think because of the old line. If its too good to be true then it probably isnt.brI love everything about women. Since I know women very well because I grew up around them all the time. I listened to all the prettiest girls. I was ugly as anything in high school so they used me for advice mainly about their crappy boyfriends. All of it though was my schooling of women. To prepare me for my future wife. I just ended up picking the one women that was internally evil. The ones that use people to get what they want and I was the perfect man for that.brBut everything I went through and experienced with her gave me the tools to know what I do not want and how to pick up on the type of woman that would most likely go down that path.br2 years I have been searching. I have not had one date. I havent even been able to prove that the girl I have been talking to is the girl wanting to be with me.brSo my experience has been awful. I get tons of offers all the time from these sites and I cant even count how many letters I get. So I had to leave that site and try out new ones.brThat is why I am here now. Oh my I forgot to talk about the most important thing I need in my woman. Please dont get offended and think I am a pig and have no right making this requirement. If you actually think that what I say below is not the type of woman you are or ever will be then right away you are not the woman for me. If you are not that type of woman but the thought of living like that excites you then you just have not been exposed to that much affection and being made to feel that you are a sexy passionate desirable woman. That you are wanted. brI know every woman wants to feel that way. They want their man to show he how he feels. The worst thing a man can do is just want sex. Its selfish and not about love, romance, and passion. A man needs to do his part to give her a reason to be excited. You should flirt with your wife at least 5 or 6 times a day. Make her feel like she is beautiful and sexy. Do all the things you would do like the very first time you tried to get her to a point of intimacy. You should be treating your wife like that every day for the rest oof your lives. brBut men these days are just idiots and know nothing about women. None of them paid attention in the school of life. So now they are failing at everything.brI have missed out on a lot in life. I have given my life to everyone. I have never had a woman do any of the things I have done ever. I have no idea what it feels like to be able to count on someone or to know she has my back. Most of all I have no idea what it feels like to have a woman be like me. I am a very romantic and passionate man. There will not be a second that goes by that I will not be thinking of wanting to come over to you and stat touching you all over and kissing you all over. That is who I am. I have always been like this and I want a woman that is thinking the same thing I am all the time. I want to be in a marriage where both of us can freely do the things they want to do whenever they want to because it will always be ok. I want to have a wife that is a pervert basically. Till the last day of my life. I believe that two people that feel that way about the other al the time can succeed at anything in life. Feeling that comfortable with the other that you can be yourself all the time and be able to talk about anything and everything. My wife will be my best friend. She will be the one I want to hang out with all the time. I do not believe in separate lives. We should and will want to do everything together. Because we have fun and enjoy each others company. In the end my wife I hope will be a mirror of me and I will be a mirror of her.brI have dreamed for the last 21 years of finding a woman like that and wants to marry me. WE would be so happy since I know how to make her happy and then our house will always have a feel of positive energy in our house because my wife will share her happiness. All women do that. So my job will always be to make her happy. Plus I would destroy a country for her and die for her.brOk that should now give you a full picture of the man I am.brNow to the important stuff.brBy any chance have we exchanged messages before on another site?brCrypteLabs is for cryptography cyber security.brFB, TG, IbrAny of those sites can be used to contact me by using the word right above the initials I wrote crypte....!brI just wanted you to have that. So if you wanted you could look into me and see if anything looks strange. You can use them at anytime. You see after two years of wasting my time on that other site. I realized that everyone hid behind the site and used any kind of excuse why I was not worth enough to know in real life. That takes its toll on your heart. Especially when you are getting 40 marriage offers a day but they wont leave the site with me. So know anyone I want to meet and see a long future with them they get that information. I will not be with anyone that can not contact me in real life. It does not have to be now but the sooner you show me that it doesnt matter where we are communicating just as long as we are communicating the sooner you will have my heart and my life.brI will be straight with all of you. I want a wife. I just wasted two years of my life and I am not getting any younger. If you are at the point where you dont want to wait anymore and would just like to meet your man so you can start your lives together. You will have a much better chance of this working out.brWe are very poor. When covid hit everything changed for me and my daughter. 30 years of consulting work flushed down the toilet because of covid. I used to make very good money and I have always been very good at my job but covid changed how consulting work had to be done and because of that. My position I have worked hard at achieving was not available to consultants anymore. Only full time staff were allowed to do what I did. Its really hard to explain because of government policies and Corporate policies. So now its almost impossible to find a job that suits me anymore. Honestly I just want a wife that I have wanted for the past 21 years. Yes my life has changed but not the number 1 priority in my life. My wife. Love is love and love concurs all. If being poor is not for you I understand and thank you for your time.brThat dream guy you have always wanted is waiting for you.brChristopher

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