I would say that I am a very down to earth Guy, someone who enjoys life and tries to live it the best I can. I enjoy the simple things, that life offers rather then being caught up into all the craz

Davis50: god fearing woman, matured woman...
Procurando: Fêmea idade 52 to 80
Status: 67 Divorciado Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Relação de Curto Prazo
Etnia: Branco/caucasiano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Olhos
Altura: 6'0 polegadas
Corpo: Média
Cabelo/olhos: Castanho, Castanho
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Nunca toque nele
Exercício As vezes
Política: Conservador
Educação: diploma de bacharel
Religião: cristão
Renda: $85,001 a $150,000
Ocupação: Construction
Descendência: 1 criança
Personalidade: tímido
País: United States

I would say that I am a very down to earth Guy, someone who enjoys life and tries to live it the best I can. I enjoy the simple things, that life offers rather then being caught up into all the craziness one can experience. I love the outdoors especially the beach, catching a sunset then taking in the sounds of the crashing waves it can be so soothing. I have learned to appreciate the simple things, in life and not take people or things for granted. Instead I appreciate who they are and what they have done to make me a better person.

Cooking  Golf  Reading  Swimming  Traveling