Love story waiting to happen well I hope so coz thats what I look for.Have you watched a Asian love movie you will get a idea what I mean its special when its meaningful and when both people think ali

Davidb121: hello...
Procurando: No Answer idade 25 to 40
Status: 36 Solteiro Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Relacionamento de longo prazo
Etnia: Branco/caucasiano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Tornozelos
Altura: 5'4 polegadas
Corpo: Atlético e Muscular
Cabelo/olhos: Preto, Azul
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Nunca toque nele
Exercício As vezes
Política: Nenhum
Educação: Colegial
Religião: cristão
Renda: Menos de US $15.000
Ocupação: Work For Myself Stat
Descendência: Nenhum
Personalidade: tímido
País: South Africa

Love story waiting to happen well I hope so coz thats what I look for.Have you watched a Asian love movie you will get a idea what I mean its special when its meaningful and when both people think alike in harmony.My desire is to have a romantic relationship dinner with candle light, watching movies while cuddling and hold hands fall asleep next to my princess and wake up next to her things like that means alot to me but so hard to find.The hearts love is more important than the looks department coz you cant keep looking the same forever and that dont mean you must not look great but the focus should be your feelings from within.Now you want to know why relationships dont last.I dont want a relationship thats gonna end and be a waist I want to bond with the person and show appreciation and that its special

Music  Movies  
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