Solteiro Male en Nigeria, , solteiros em Nassarawa, Mararaba Male

Cinyama: life is good...
Procurando: Fêmea idade 18 to 69
Status: 38 Solteiro Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Relacionamento de longo prazo
Etnia: Preto/africano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Privates
Altura: 5'9 polegadas
Corpo: Atlético e tonificado
Cabelo/olhos: Preto, Castanho
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Ocasionalmente
Exercício As vezes
Política: Nenhum
Educação: Pós-graduação
Religião: Agnóstico
Renda: Menos de US $15.000
Ocupação: ICT
Descendência: Nenhum
Personalidade: aventureiro
País: Nigeria

I am always positive and nice to people, I never overreact or treat people badly even if I was hurt. When you first look at me I make an impression of a serious confident man. It doesn’t mean at all that I dont like having fun and laugh! I have a nice home and I am used to do what brings me joy and pleasure. When I was younger I thought that when you are 30 your life is over, but only now I realize how mistaken I was. Now, when my kid’s grownup I can tell that my best years just have started.
My hobbies and what Im good at I really like music and the live theater. I’m a weight lifter in a rock group when I was in High School, but that was long time ago. I have a flower garden at home and it is one of my biggest hobbies. I believe that Human are like very rare flowers, without care and love you will never see it in bloom.