Solteiro Male en United Kingdom, , solteiros em Greater Manchester, manchester Male

Maydee002: hello...
Procurando: Fêmea idade 37 to 61
Status: 56 Solteiro Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Relacionamento de longo prazo
Etnia: Branco/caucasiano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Lábios
Altura: 5'11 polegadas
Corpo: Média
Cabelo/olhos: Preto, De outros
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Ocasionalmente
Exercício 4 vezes por semana
Política: Conservador
Educação: Pós-graduação
Religião: cristão
Renda: $15.001 a $25.000
Ocupação: Entrepreneur
Descendência: Nenhum
Personalidade: Extrovertido
País: United Kingdom

My heart is clean and I respect anyone and everyone. I like to think I am funny, great to be around and above all very loyal. Life is too short; as I speak from personal experience I dont take life too seriously. I just want to be happy and live the dream. I have the spirit of an adventurer, I love to explore, meet new people, to do and see new things. People say Im attractive, I think its just a question of being sensitive to those around you. Im a romantic, so dont be surprised if you get a dozen red roses from me on Valentines day! Ive never lacked confidence, I guess thats one thing which has contributed to my success.