Just as finishing studies can be hectic there is both joy and sorrow Yes you can finish your degree get that good job and fulfill for desire but there is one thing money can never buy you A faithfu

Nastron: heart broken...
Procurando: Fêmea idade 18 to 35
Status: 38 Nunca se casou Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Casamento
Etnia: Preto/africano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Lábios
Altura: 5'5 polegadas
Corpo: Magro
Cabelo/olhos: Sem resposta, Sem resposta
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Nunca toque nele
Exercício As vezes
Política: Nenhum
Educação: diploma de bacharel
Religião: Agnóstico
Renda: $15.001 a $25.000
Ocupação: Software Developer
Descendência: Nenhum
Personalidade: aventureiro
País: Uganda

Just as finishing studies can be hectic there is both joy and sorrow Yes you can finish your degree get that good job and fulfill for desire but there is one thing money can never buy you A faithful wife

I thank God for everything he has given me each day am quite happy with simple things which always dont cost much and a simple flower for a birthday can stay on my mind for eternity

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